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Grasswire screenshot
Grasswire: the Future of Crowdsourcing News?
Grasswire helps people discover verified first-hand information from social media in real time.
Fast Company's office crush video.
Happily, News Orgs Find Success With Humorous...
Many news sites are making short, humorous videos to grab readers with a funny bone.
Incubate offers a time-delay messaging service that could be used for storytelling.
Incubate: Time-Delayed ‘Messages with Meaning’
Incubate Messenger lets people send messages up to 25 years into the future. Think about the storytelling possibilities.
mobile photos
Newspapers Hunt for New Readers on Instagram
Newspapers are using Instagram to introduce themselves to new readers more than to drive traffic to their websites.
A new app being pioneered in San Francisco tells stories based on a listener's location.
New ‘Podcast’ App Tells Stories Based on...
Detour is a new audio app that tells location-based stories on people's smartphones.
New York Times
The New York Times on Social Media:...
A behind-the-scenes look at the social media strategy at The New York Times.
Newsrooms Grapple With How to Avoid Twitter...
While newsrooms often require reporters to use Twitter to interact with readers, they continue to grapple with how extensively...
News organizations said Tumblr helps them connect with audiences and document new experiments in journalism.
The Growing Power of Tumblr — For...
Social media managers said Tumblr has helped their news organizations engage with readers, connect with a younger audience and...
The rising popularity of anonymous confessional apps has some journalists turning to them in search of news.
The Not-So-Secret Side of Anonymous Confession Apps
Journalists are digging for news tips on anonymous, secret-sharing apps.
Snapchat has released a new update called "Discover" that takes it beyond selfies and into news.
5 Ways Reporters Can Capitalize on the...
Do selfies have a place in news coverage? Yes they do.
Huggable robot picture by Ben Husmann via the Creative Commons license on Flickr.
6 Twitter Bots That Do What Journalists...
They write funny headlines, are crusty grammarians, are able to document natural disasters and even write poetry. That's right....
Could the Yo app help drive traffic to news stories?
The Yo App: Ridiculous or Revolutionary?
Can a simple app drive traffic to news stories? Several news organizations are trying to find out.
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