It takes a lot to create a startup – drive, passion and oodles of creativity. This creative energy is often apparent in the physical spaces startups occupy. Here are three photo essays of new media startups that document that energy from the nation’s capital, by photographer Kelsey Hughes:
BYT: BrightestYoungThings
Take a peek inside this culturally hip website’s new all-glass, trinkets-filled office, located inside a shared workspace in the Shaw neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
Trove: Curation App
Impossibly green grass and calming dim lighting make up the interior of the open-air office for Trove, a startup that operates a mobile news curation app and is located in an older building full of other startups across the street from The Washington Post.
My Little Bird: Culture Blog
Check out the cozy and convenient home office space of Mary Carpenter, one of the five women who make up the staff of the brand new D.C. culture blog “for grown-up girls.”