Editor’s Note: Links to selected media from the past week.
*Snapchat’s new feature, “Snapchat Stories” has created a whole new group of the Internet-famous, who have mastered how to stitch together kooky snaps and doodles into a narrative. Hootsuite
* The Society of Professional Journalists approved a new code of ethics. Does it go far enough to define the rules of digital journalism? Poynter
* The Ray Rice video isn’t TMZ’s only big scoop in the last year. There’s also been the sexual abuse allegations against a Heisman Trophy candidate and Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling making “racist remarks.” New York Times
*Looking for a new place to mine for shareable, potentially viral content? Try SoundCloud. Short, compelling bits that connect with people win with online audiences. Journalism.co.uk
*For the thoughtful, longform writer, a handful of apps can help with jotting down ideas, organizing writing and finding key words and ideas buried in thousands of words of text. PBS Mediashift
* News sites dedicated to attracting Millennial readers are not capturing as much as that demographic as one might think. Digiday
* Macworld, which has been publishing print magazines for 30 years, went all-digital this week. The magazine’s parent company, IDG, has declined to say how many of its staff were laid off. New York Times
*BBC introduces its “Pop Up” project, where a team of BBC journalists will set up mobile reporting bureaus across America for six months. BBC
New York Magazine’s Allison P. Davis of The Cut calls out Vogue on finally jumping on the booty bandwagon. (Vogue has declared 2014 the year of the booty, citing Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus as rump role models.) Davis makes the point that Vogue, in declaring the booty suddenly fashionable, is hopelessly late. She writes: “Brava, Vogue: Let’s just call you Christopher Columbus, because you have planted your flag in something culture’s been okay with for some time now — the fact that some people have big butts and other people appreciate them.”
Facebook video is getting an overhaul. According to Re/code, “its push into video could be a very big deal…providing a real alternative to YouTube.” Facebook says it’s now recording a billion video views per day, according to Re/code, which noted the the autoplay feature has been integral to Facebook’s video success, as has its algorithm to start showing more videos to people who like videos.
Gigaom’s Matthew Ingram questions whether free-wheeling discussion site Reddit is at a crossroads as it reportedly seeks outside funding that could “value the company at more than half a billion dollars.” Reddit has been in the news lately for its role in helping to distribute photos of nude celebrities, and the site has been no stranger to controversy in the past. Ingram asks whether the search for venture capital could impact its long-time commitment to free speech: “Will Reddit start to water down its commitment, in the hope that it can bridge those two divides without losing its soul? Or will it be forced to mimic Facebook, which routinely removes photos of women breast-feeding and never says why?”
This post includes contributions from Amanda Eisenberg and Lisa Rossi
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