The first thing I noticed upon walking into the office of BrightestYoungThings in Washington, D.C. was not the giant baby face hanging on the ceiling, nor the collection of cardboard standups lining the back wall.
No, it was how bright, open and thoroughly pleasant it felt to be in the office of this web magazine and marketing agency that is based in both D.C. and New York.
The fun glass rectangle in the center of a renovated factory in Shaw seems to be in keeping with the image of the company’s website–BrightestYoungThings.com–which has become D.C.’s one-stop shop for local music and culture.
BYT is up on what’s going on this weekend, what cool events you missed last weekend, and even hosts its own events from time to time. BYT also seems to have its finger on the pulse of the D.C. music scene, offering a treasure trove of photos, reviews and interviews from concerts in the city.
In the past year, the company opened a branch in New York City, and over the summer, moved from a row home office in the Mt. Vernon Square neighborhood of D.C. to a shared workspace in the renovated Wonder Bread Factory near Howard University.
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