EDITOR’S NOTE: Links to selected media news from the past week.
* Tired of all that nagging skepticism bobbing around in your brain? Browser plug-in Trooclick is expected to launch this month and will alert you if an article you’re reading has glitches, such as containing facts that conflict with other media reports. (Poynter)
* Data Failure: David Leonhardt, head of the New York Times’ Upshot, explains why data-driven, exploratory sites like his failed to predict House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s stunning primary defeat. (New York Times)
* A crop of new startups are focused around format, rather than a specific coverage area, which appears to be a final attempt for digital native startups to scrub out the “newspaper voice.” (The Atlantic)
* Twitter this week acknowledged that a “security issue” occurred in Tweetdeck, one of its platforms that serves as a dashboard and allows users to manage several feeds at once. Users complained of pop-ups. (Gigaom)
* The dirty tricks that will net you boatloads of followers of Instagram. (Business Insider)
*Twitter COO Ali Rowghani resigned, and Twitter does not intend to replace him. (Mashable)
Selfie obsessed: A team of researchers have developed a selfie app (not yet for sale publicly) that is able to mimic a particular photographer’s style, such as Diane Arbus or Martin Schoeller, according to Fast Company. Also, in case you missed it, a new app called Selphee allows you to take a photo, then a short video. In other (ultimate) selfie news, GoPro, the wearable camera, is about to go public and could be worth nearly $3 billion, reports the San Jose Mercury News.
Clickhate?: The Onion announced its new site, Clickhole, which aims to satire the clickbait-style articles that have become so prevalent in journalism today. It includes articles such as 10 Hilarious Chairs That Think They’re People, quizzes like Is Your Dad Proud of You? and the video, It’s Nice To Remember The Good Things In Life.
How the NYT tried to out-BuzzFeed BuzzFeed: A New York Times Style Magazine post satirizing BuzzFeed (15 Crazy Facts About BuzzFeed That Will Totally Blow Your Mind) used a listicle with GIFs to tell the story of the site known for its cat coverage and clickbait, including that pizza was a hotter topic than Ryan Gosling on the site in 2013.
[CREDIT: Ryan Gosling GIF from moviegifss.tumblr.com]
Goooal!: Reporting on the World Cup and need to accurately convey the way crazed fans scream, “Goal?” The Los Angeles Times told journalists to spell it with three “O’s,” according to a post in Poynter.org. An official recommendation from Michael Giarrusso, AP’s global sports editor, advised reporters to add even more “O’s” if it’s a particularly important shout. “If Mexico were to score late in an important game, I could imagine a ‘Gooooooooooal!!!’” Giarrusso told Poynter.
And now for something completely different: BuzzFeed’s Jonah Peretti, founder of the website that’s known for its quick reads, shareable lists and lighthearted quizzes sat down and gave a goliath 23,000+ word interview to Medium’s Matter that supposedly took around six hours. Don’t have an entire afternoon to read through it all? That’s okay. Plenty of news organizations have summarized the most important points for you here.
The Internet, acquitted: It’s the Internet’s fault that newspapers are dying, right? Right? Maybe not. A new report from The University of Chicago says that the popularity of the newspaper has been declining at the same rate since 1980, long before the Internet reared its ugly head.
[Credit: Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother) newspaper-tearing GIF from Giphy via Tumblr]
This post contains contributions from Sean Mussenden.
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